


THE construction of third part of key road to link East African partner states of Tanzania and Kenya has been launched.

Minister for Works and Transport, Professor Makame Mbarawa launched the 120.8 kilometre stretch of the road which is part of Tanga – Pangani – Saadani  – Bagamoyo of a total distance of 256km. 

The construction which according to the Chief Executive Officer of the Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS),  Eng Rogatus Mativila, would involve construction of a 525-metre long bridge across the Pangani river in Pangani Town.

The road is part of the EAC Road infrastructure project starting from Malindi – Mombasa – Horohoro to Tanga – Pangani – Saadani – Bagamoyo.

Eng Mativila stressed on the importance of the road, saying it is a key link between Tanzania and Kenya.

“Completion of this road would open up many economic and social opportunities considering that the road passes along Indian Ocean shores in Coast and Tanga regions where there are tourism activities.

He elaborated that the launching of the construction was one of procedures used by the AfDB.

The launching intends to inform stakeholders and the public at large that the construction of the 120-kilometre road is now ready for implementation.

The Minister for Works and Transport, Prof Mbarawa noted that the government embarked on construction of that East African Community (EAC) road due to its importance.

The government started constructing Tanga-Horohoro section, which has a distance of 60km, with support from US government as one of development partners.

“As we were waiting for support from development partners, the government started constructing another road section from Tanga to Pangani (50km).

“We thank African Development Bank (AfDB) for giving us soft loan to implement the project. The Bank has shown close partnership with Tanzania by enabling financing of projects such as Dodoma outer ring road, Msalato Airport etc.

The Tanga Regional Commissioner, Adam Malima, said the construction of the road would have a big impact in the development of tourism in the Saadani National Park which he said had a lot to offer that is different from other Parks.

A representative of the AfDB President Munima Wa-Kyendo said that the Bank has been one of Tanzania's important development partners.

He said Tanzania was taking the transport sector very seriously as an important part of the general development of the nation.

Dr Kamugisha Kazaura, representing the Director of infrastructures for the EAC stated that the regional bloc has effectively participated in preparation of that project after securing funds from the AfDB for feasibility study and Detailed Engineering design.