1. General Overview
Internal auditing is an independent appraisal function established within the Agency to examine and evaluate its activities as a service to the Agency. The objective of the internal auditing is to assist the Agency to discharge its responsibilities in efficient and effective manner. The audit objective includes evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, controls and governance processes at reasonable costs. Generally, the responsibility of the Internal Audit Unit is to assist the Chief Executive in managing the systems of internal controls, risk management and corporate governance within the Agency.
The Internal Auditing aims at guiding TANROADS in upholding good governance and fighting corruption throughout the Agency. The unit evaluates governance process with a view to making necessary improvements to ensure that:
i) Corporate value and goals are established, communicated throughout the Agency and preserved;
ii) The accomplishment of goals is monitored;
iii) Accountability and transparency is ensured;
iv) There exists proper corporate integrity;
v) Operations do comply with pertinent laws, regulations and procedures;
vi) Each function within the Agency conducts its affairs professionally and ethically; and
vii) The Agency is maintaining effective internal controls to deter employees’ conflict of interest, misconduct, or fraud.
2. Reporting
The unit is headed by the Chief Internal Auditor who reports to the Chief Executive. The unit does its functions through consultations with the Agency’s Audit Committee, Management, and regular interface with other specialized governance agencies.