About Us

Our Vision

A World Class Agency dedicated to providing a connected and sustainable all weather national road network and airports.

Our Mission

To manage national roads network and airports development by planning, designing, construction and road maintenance for socio- economic development through a competent workforce. 

Our Motto

Good roads for National Develepoment

Core Values

  • Customer focus
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Accountability
  • Team Work

Underlying Policies

  • Gender Issues
  • Employment Generation
  • Support for Local Contractors Development
  • Labour Based Technology
  • Protection of the Environment
  • Private Sector Participation


  • 685 staff
  • Contractors
  • Consultants
  • Environmental lobbyists
  • The media
  • Investors
  • General Public
  • The Government of Tanzania
  • Development Partners