

Upgrading of roads to bitumen standard in the country substantially reduces travelling time, vehicle operating costs, contributes towards agricultural development and also attracts both local and foreign investors along the project areas.

One of many road projects which reflect the Government endeavors in ensuring we attain quality livelihood for the people is the upgrading of Wasso to Sale (49km) road project being constructed to bitumen standard and is part of the approximately 213 kilometers of Loliondo – Mto wa Mbu road.

Loliondo - Mto wa Mbu road project is located in the Arusha Region in the northern part of Tanzania. The road project begins at Wasso village a business area which is 7.7 kilometers from Loliondo Township and goes south ward to Mto wa Mbu village  about 213 kilometers where it meets Makuyuni – Karatu tarmac road.

The road traverses southward through flat terrain in large part, with some rolling to hilly sections across the rift valley and passes through important areas and villages of Wasso center, Olorien Magaiduru, Losoito/Maloni village roundabout and Sale village roundabout.

In an interview with the Regional Manager TANROADS Arusha, Eng. Reginald Massawe with our TANROADS Communication Officer  he said that “Work progress on upgrading of this project is on schedule as it is 88% out of 97.05 % targeted.” He added that “Works being undertaken as per the contract is construction of the 49 km road, improvement of drainage systems by replacing old culverts with new large size, installation of new box and pipe culverts, ancillary works including road signs, marking, lettering; appropriate road safety measures to slow down traffic in built up areas; and to allow safe pedestrian crossing and relocation of existing utilities along the road.”

Richard Lazaro, a tour driver in Arusha says "As a frequent traveler on this route with tourists who visit Serengeti National Park, paved roads are very important as it shortens distances and when this road is completed it will facilitate smooth travelling of people, tourism and trade. Also it will link the villages, towns, markets and cultural centers with Arusha city center.”

In another interview, Ms. Asia Rashid a business woman in Wasso village says “Completion of this road project will increase business in Wasso village and the whole district and it will also facilitate transportation of agricultural products, tourism hospitals and schools and will attract business with our neighboring countries.” She added, ‘’We hear that after completion of this project the Government is planning to start phase 2 of the project from Sale to Ngaresero.”

Wasso – Sale Road Project which commenced on 18th October 2017 is being financed by the Government of Tanzania and is expected to complete on 13th October, 2021. The contractor of the project is China Wu Yi Co Ltd and the supervising consultant is TANROADS Engineering Consulting Unit (TECU) - Arusha.